Aviotec - Heliport Consultant for P3 Replacement Hospital - Fergus, Ontario, Canada

Aviotec International has been selected to serve as the Heliport Technical Consultant for the replacement of the Groves Memorial Community Hospital at a greenfield site near Fergus, Ontario, Canada.
The replacement Hospital will be developed through a Public-Private-Partnership process facilitied by Infrastructure Ontario. Aviotec is part of the Stantec Architecture Team that is leading the planning, design and compliance aspects of the project.
Aviotec's specific scope on the Project will include preparation of a Heliport Feasibility Study; consultations with Transport Canada, Nav Canada and the air ambulance operator (Ornge); participation in the Site Plan Approval process with local municipal authorities; preparation of a Project Specific Outline Specification and other documents for inclusion in the bid package; review and evaluation of consortia bids; and ensuring compliance of the Heliport designs and the finished product.
The Hospital is expected to be operational by mid-2019.